Liam Payne fans slam ‘ghoulish’ Nightline episode for ‘exploiting’ the star’s death.CongMinh

A week after the sudden death of Liam Payne, ABC ran an episode of Nightline about it – and fans were not happy.

The former One Direction member fell from a third-floor balcony at his hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 16. Liam’s tragic death shocked the world and tributes poured in from his family, friends, and various celebrities.

On October 24, ABC News ran a Nightline episode titled “One Direction: Liam Payne’s Final Days.” The logline for the episode said the episode looked at the dark side of fame and asked: “How did the 31-year-olds brilliant star fade so dramatically?”

Angry fans of the star took to X, formally known as Twitter to share their thoughts on the episode. “He ain’t even cold yet… … shouldn’t be even broadcast until years later.. …it’s ghoulish,” one wrote.

“Will people call out ABC for doing this BS? I don’t even believe the family has buried this man yet but yet ABC News wants to do a special,” another chimed in. A third angrily typed: “How f—–g dare you it’s been A WEEK you disgusting money hungry pack of vultures.”

A fourth agreed that it was exploitative, writing: “Wow disgusting, but anything in order to gain profit I guess. even exploiting such an horrific death.”

Liam’s death is being investigated after an autopsy revealed he had “pink cocaine” in his system – a lethal combination of MDMA, ketamine, methamphetamine, benzodiazepine, and crack. Police are allegedly looking into staff members at the hotel who could have given the drugs to the Teardrops singer.

A source who claimed to be a close friend of Liam’s told the Daily Mail: “There were two guys at the hotel that were giving Liam drugs. They sent taxis out to collect packages for him.”

“One of the guys was working in the cleaning department,” the source added, “After Liam died, they noticed that one taxi was sent to the cleaner’s home address. The hotel manager asked him why the taxi had gone to his home and when he couldn’t give an explanation he was fired.”

Investigators found Liam’s hotel room to be a wreck from burnt furniture, alleged white powder, and a smashed in television. A member of hotel staff called 911 to report an unruly guest minutes before Liam’s tragic fall.

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